…just random stuff of an awesome life.

Friday, September 11, 2020

A package of surprises

So far, 2020 has been a year of surprises. 
Who ever thought our sunnah will be encouraged to be applied on everyone else? (baca: jaga jarak, tidak saling bersentuhan, menutup hidung dan mulut)
Okay, that was a joke. 
But, I never thought today would be one of them (the suprises).
After being told to just work from home kosan in the middle of the day, another surprise came in when a courier chat me in the afternoon.

"paket" with a picture attached.

I replied immediately without checking on the picture, but seconds later,

"Wait a second. I didn't order anything. Who's this from?"

The picture isn't quite clear. 
So I grabbed my hijab and went out to pick the package.
The courier wasn't wrong. 
It is really written to be delivered to me and after few minutes searching for the sender, I couldn't believe what I saw. 

No, it's not the cat who sent it -_-

As I thought it couldn't be more surprising, I was so touched to find out what's inside.
Never even once in my mind I thought that deep talk chat with my babi after so long would drive her to send me this life saving package.
She even wrote me a letter!

This package is not only full of surprises, but also filled me with gratitude.
How could my eyes be not teary after knowing you made the things inside the package by yourself with so much considerations? :') I think the man who will complete half of your religion would be so lucky to have you.
Reading your writing took me back to years ago when we were in college.
I used to come over to your kosan a lot, especially in our final years, either to just sleep, play, annoy, or do coursework together have a chit-chat with you, but come to think of it, I didn't do the same thing, didn't I? 
I never really did anything helpful when you were in need as anak kosan.
I felt ashamed knowing you took this far for me when I'm the one who is nge-kost.
I'm sorry...
You're really such a treasure! 
I'm so thankful to have a friend like you 🤍

Panjang usia yang berkah dan bermanfaat untuk kita berdua ya, re :)
May Allah give us another chance to meet again.

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