…just random stuff of an awesome life.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Kebetulan Berantai

In this chance of 'posting-on-blog' mood (because aku suka posting on blog tergantung mood :p hehe)
I want to share this.. hm.. well, I would say it as a 'coincidence'.
But before that, I'm sorry for my grammar and kata-kata yang berantakan. hehe

I got a friend in SMA Khadijah Surabaya called "
He passed the SNMPTN Undangan dan diterima di Teknik Industri - Universitas Brawijaya
All I thought that he was so lucky! x)
First, Teknik Industri is booming lately, it became the "wanted" major by so many teens who wants to continue to universities because of its prospective.

Second, Universitas Brawijaya is one of the favourite universities (especially) in East Java.
But guess what? He refused it and take D4 Teknik Informatika - PENS
Well, he knows himself better than people's opinion :)

In other place,
I got a friend in bimbel/les-lesan/whatever you call it.. in Jember
He took IPC for the course, but in different class with me.
He's a student from a government school in Kediri, but Jember is his home.
Same case, he passed SNMPTN Undangan and diterima di Agribisnis - Universitas Brawijaya but didn't take it because he is obsessed to get in Teknik Industri. So he decided to do SNMPTN Tulis.
Right at the moment he told that reason, I remembered Asrul.

Last but not least,
My other friend from SMA Khadijah Surabaya, "Dani"
He wasn't so lucky to get SNMPTN Undangan like the other two boys,
What I know is that he is interested to continue his study to Agribisnis - Universitas Brawijaya.
That reminds me of the chance which was not taken by my friend in the SNMPTN course (bimbel)

Do you see what I mean by "coincidence" in here? ;)

All in all,
I believe that segala detail di dunia ini tiada yang sia-sia,
everything happen for a (or maybe some) reason.
But sometimes, there are some kejadian yang hard to be explained or even you are questioning why that happen.
Well, readers.. that's life :) live it and enjoy!


  1. hahaha. Onok namaku :)
    mampir ndek blogku sisan mynewbielife.blogspot.com
